Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Kids Say the Darndest Things is definitely such a true statement!  I have two children of my own 7yr old and 3 yr. old and as my oldest was growing up I always wondered where he came up with some of the stuff he would say.  Well I started writing some of these things down to keep track of this and still to this day love reminding myself what he said and now I have continued the tradition with my daughter.  Here is just a few of my favorites:
When my son was 2.5 he fell and cut his lip, we were on our way to the hospital and I said, "Honey quit talking, it can't stop bleeding"  He responded, "But I love to talk"

Listen to your children sing their favorite song, for the longest time we heard, "Humpty Dumpty sat on Grandpa"

At the ripe age of 6, my son asked, "Do only chickens have nuggets?"

Got to love these sayings.  I recommend everyone write these little things down.  Or even ask them questions that you think may have a funny answer and write those down.  Here at Boston Photography we have "The Darndest Things Sessions".  We recommend these sessions for children between the ages of 3 and 8 dependent upon the maturity level.  Prior to the session we send the parents a list of about 30 questions that they have to ask the child, write their exact answer and send it back to me one week prior to that session.  These are great.  We then design the session around these and make a great keepsake coffee-table book with the questions, answers, and portraits of the child. 

Here are a few questions we ask.  Ask your child and see what they say.

-What is love?
-Why do people hold hands?
-What do you think of your siblings?

Let us know what questions you think we should add to our list of 30 and tell us about the funny or even embarrassing thing your children have said!  Please share your comments.


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crystal2allen said...

So lately my daughter has had a new line that she has been using... "thats how its works". The other night my husband told my daughter "Madison it is time for bed". So Madison says " I am going to watch team umi zoomi and then I will go to bed, thats how it works". I could do nothing but laugh. With all four of my kids they all seem to amaze me with the stuff that they say. Which brings us to say yes, kids do say the darndest things!!!!

tiffany said...

My daughter's Aunt told her she was a "stinker" and she said "oh yeah, well you're short and stout". I thought, where did she get that from, it sounds familiar; then the words I'm a little tea pot...came to mind:)

Boston Photography said...

These put a smile to my face

Anonymous said...

I LOVE to hear all the things my son comes up with. I sometimes am caught off guard on a few things and wondering where did he get that from. He never ceases to amaze me!